02 avril 2007

Vote proportionnel

Que vous ayez perdu ou gagné vos élections lundi dernier, je vous prie de lire cet article du Devoir ATTENTIVEMENT et de parler du vote proportionnel à votre entourage. Car, comme l'explique l'article, ce ne sont pas les grands partis politiques, qui profitent du système actuel, mais la population, vous, moi et les autres, qui feront changer les choses pour que nos votes COMPTENT VRAIMENT...

1 commentaire:

Idealistic Pragmatist a dit...

The irony is that the Quebec election was actually the most proportional result I've ever seen from a first-past-the-post system, in any jurisdiction--i.e., the closest all votes has come to "really counting." This doesn't mean that you're not right, though, because this proportionality was a complete coincidence, and only a few hundred votes in one direction or another could have skewed things outrageously.

It's wonderful to see Le Devoir talking about this! I would particularly recommend the method described in Pour une Assemblée Citoyenne, linked at the bottom of that article. Keeping this issue as much in the hands of VOTERS and as little in the hands of political parties is the only way to make this reform fair.