10 mars 2007

Pitcher Perfect

It took me a while after arriving in Alberta to realize that anglos around here take digital "pitchers,", and not "pictures." When I ask them about how they pronounce p-i-c-t-u-r-e, they invariably tell me that they say "picture" - talk about careful speech - but the truth of the matter is that the "c" isn't pronounced in most cases.

I got used to it. Then, the other day, I heard an undergrad tell his friend that the two of them should go take a "pitcher" around 11:30 that night. It took me a while to register the information properly... at first, I asked myself: why does he care about a "pitcher" at that time a night?... Not to mention, what KIND of "pitcher"?! Then I realized: he wasn't talking about a "pitcher", but about a pitcher. You get it? Thank goodness... I eventually did!

So, until next time, have a pitcher or two for my dry, nerdy self!

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